Tuesday 8 January 2013

Gay sex is in the closet, but don't blame the church

The furore over gay bishops exposes a wider contradiction in society

The Church of England has decreed that gay clergy in civil partnerships can become bishops but only if they are celibate. Is this a long-lost Monty Python sketch? After previous rows (women, gay marriage), you have to marvel at how fully committed the church is to appearing draconian. As noted on Radio 4's Today programme, the church also seems increasingly "obsessed with sex". With ageing worshippers and dwindling numbers, perhaps it has noticed that the subject gets it far more attention than appeals for tinned pineapple for harvest festival.
Of course, lesbians aren't even mentioned. Generally, the church seems to view lesbians as mythical creatures of human sexuality, their very existence unproved, a bit like unicorns, only with Sarah McLachlan albums. As for gay men, one wonders why they don't just tell the church to stuff it. There must be easier ways to serve God than being denounced as a deviant every time you reach for a communion wafer.
But where would that leave gay worshippers? Moreover, why should the church keep getting away with inequality, thereby appeasing dangerous homophobes in countries such as Uganda?
This latest decision says it all. Billed as a compromise, it's really just a moral riddle that could never hope to be solved. It's not even "Don't ask, don't tell", because they are asking and they're insisting on being told.
The church is effectively demanding that gay men volunteer to be neutered, like troublesome tomcats, that they are gay without the sex. (I know that plenty of straight relationships involve no sex, but that's another story.)
One wonders, how could this even be workable: spot-checks of ecclesiastical bedsheets?; sensors attached to a nancy-boy bishop's wayward testicles?; the desexualised civil partners taking endless cold showers in the cloisters?
How about a less comfortable thought: what if this "no sex please, you're gay" deal isn't just about the church?
Indeed, perhaps we should also look at wider society, at ourselves – accept that this "be gay, but not remotely sexual" attitude may be part of a wider national malaise. Heterosexual British people have a history of "tolerating" gay culture (nice of us!), but we also tend not to consider gay men and women actually having sex or being sexual beings.
Even today, prominent gay people are often camp and cuddly, at most – smutty rather than sexual. At least that is the perception. Gay characters in films generally appear as shoulders for their fag-hag friends to cry on, rather than people who wouldn't mind a shag themselves. Part of George Michael's courage (and he is courageous) is not only being open about his sexuality, but also about the fact of his active sex life.
This goes against all the unwritten laws of mainstream (acceptable) homosexuality, which is openly gay, but also neutered, inactive, tamed. Which, when you think about it, is not a million miles away from what the C of E is suggesting.
This isn't about latent homophobia bubbling up among the masses. True homophobes tend to be out and proud – unfortunately. This is about nicer people and their naivety, squeamishness and discomfort, all those grey areas that are allowed to remain grey. This is about a climate where gay people are welcomed out into the mainstream, while gay sex remains locked in the closet.
While evidence of rampant heterosexuality is everywhere, to saturation point, this is still not true of homosexuality. In Britain, gay men are almost perceived to want their own chat show more than actual gay sex. In this way, weird as it seems, the church's position could be a crass exaggeration, or magnification, of the true British stance, rather than an aberration. If the church prefers the idea of chaste, unthreatening homosexuality, which keeps its clothes firmly on, then perhaps so do a lot of British people. They just don't care to admit it, even to themselves.

Barbara Ellen

PHOTOS: Goalie-Turned-Nude-Model Stuart Tomlinson Scores Big Time

PHOTOS: You’ve probably never heard of Stuart Tomlinson since he’s a goalie for Burton Albion. But what about Rupert Paddington Gomez? Besides being the greatest fake name we’ve heard in ages, it’s Tomlinson’s nom de modeling. And not just any modeling: nude and erotic modeling.
The Sun described Stu’s career path in snarky detail:
The muscle-bound shot stopper has been working as a male model for the past four years after he was approached by a London-based agency.
Stuart, 27, has appeared on the cover of Men’s Health magazine twice and promotes his saucy sideline on a website filled with photos of him flexing his oiled-up muscles while wearing the tiniest budgie smugglers known to man.
Anyone interested in hiring the goalie – or rather Rupert – for a modelling assignment will get a lot for their money – he’s willing to strip nude for the right price and his “services” include “bodypaint”, “glamour” and even “erotic”.
Tomlinson, for his part, remains practical about his second job.
“The modelling’s only been a part-time thing. The shoots only last for a couple of hours and it is an easy way to make a bit of extra money,” he said, adding, “I get caned by the lads about it all the time – those pictures have ruined me in the dressing room.”
We could make caning jokes till the cows come home, as well as make reference to ruining Stuart in the dressing room, but everyone would probably rather just salivate over his modeling pictures. You can check out more at his Model Mayhem profile.

Full story here: http://www.queerty.com/photos-goalie-turned-nude-model-stuart-tomlinson-can-catch-our-balls-any-day-20130106/#ixzz2HN4WEVPF
Read more at http://www.queerty.com/photos-goalie-turned-nude-model-stuart-tomlinson-can-catch-our-balls-any-day-20130106/#ohp3e89ocxFodZ5C.99

Alabama Teen Arrested for Plan to Kill Gay, Black Students and Teacher with Explosives: VIDEO

Alabama Teen Arrested for Plan to Kill Gay, Black Students and Teacher with Explosives: VIDEO


Authorities in Russell County, Alabama have thwarted a planned attack by a high school student and self-declared white supremacist on gay and black classmates, after a teacher found the teen's journal, ABC News reports:
Derek Shrout was arrested Friday after a teacher at Russell County High School found what appears to be the teen's journal and contacted authorities. Police said the journal contained plans to kill six students and one teacher with homemade grenades. Six of the seven individuals were black.

In the journal, police say that Shrout thought the white male on his list was gay.

"That's the reason the white male was on the list. It screams hate crime," Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor said.
Investigators say Shrout started writing in his journal just three days after a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14.

"The journal contained several plans that looked like potential terrorist attacks and attacks of violence and danger on the school," Taylor said.
Watch a report from WTVM, AFTER THE JUMP...

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2013/01/shrout.html#ixzz2HN29p6Z9

Matt Dallas, Kyle XY Star, Announces He's Gay -- and Engaged to Blue Hamilton!

Matt Dallas, Kyle XY Star, Announces He's Gay -- and Engaged to Blue Hamilton!

"Matt Dallas has met his match!

The former star of ABC Family's Kyle XY announced his engagement to musician Blue Hamilton via Twitter Jan. 6. "Starting off the year with a new fiance," the actor, 30, wrote. "A great way to kick off 2013!"

This is the first time Dallas has mentioned his homosexuality publicly.

Hamilton is a California-based singer-songwriter. The two have been quietly dating since 2009."

Monday 7 January 2013

The Inspirational

Have you noticed?

 In many a great art show the male body is the perfect form of art  J

Photo: British gymnast Louis Smith photographed by John Wright ©

Photo: American Olympic gymnast Danell Leyva photographed by Peter Hapak ©


Straight people have gay sex, too.

An inquiry that had unexpected results: we asked 252,900 straight people have you ever had a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex?
Almost a quarter answered 'yes'.

By: okcupid.com


A few funny things said by some funny gay people:

Keep your religion out of my bedroom, and I won't have sex in your church.

Don't assume I'm straight, and I won't assume you're gay.

"I'm as straight as a rainbow!"

Looks like jocks can be gay to


What to do When Your Child Says: "I'm Gay!"

Some good advice for parents